Last Day in Cuzco (June 30, 2006)

Our last day in Cuzco was spent doing some errands, packing, and hanging out with Phil and Kat on the last day we would see them. They are staying in Cuzco for a couple more days and then heading home, while Jess, Linc and I are going to Nazca on an overnight bus that leaves at 5:00pm. We had breakfast at the Real McCoy, watched a bit of the soccer game, and then Jess, Kat and I left to do some last-minute souvenir shopping and Internet checking. I was finally able to get all my birthday emails – thanks to everyone who sent one! Lincoln and Phil stayed to watch the end of the game, and then met up with us at the internet place. We had some drinks and a light lunch at Norton Rat’s (overlooking the plaza) before heading back to the hostel to gather our laundry and pack it in our bags. Unfortunately, Maria wasn’t there when we arrived, and our backpacks were locked up in her private quarters. One of the people there called her on her cell phone and she managed to make it back in time for us to get our bags out, although it was cutting it close! It was sad to say goodbye to our friends Phil and Kathleen, and also Maria and our “home” in Cuzco for the past 20 days. Maria was always so welcoming and made us feel like we were her children – hugging and kissing us when we arrived back to Kuntur Wasi from our mini-journeys. Tears were nearly shed when saying goodbye to Phil & Kat, especially since we don’t know when we will see them again. Perhaps in London sometime next year?
We made it to the bus station and on the bus with ten minutes to spare and settled in for our long bus ride. We were using a company called Cial, and the buses were nice with plush leather seats. We had booked the seats on the top level at the front for the best views, although it was dark most of the way. The television in our front section didn’t work so we didn’t get to watch the movies that were blaring loudly. Dinner was supposed to be included in the price, and just when we had lost all hope of getting any, they served it at 10:30pm. It was barely worth waking up for – mystery meat milanesa that Linc and I didn’t eat, rice, and one potato.
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