Where did the last month go?

Ok so this update is a bit overdue. I have a good excuse though, there was a three and a half week holiday in Australia over this period…then of course there is the necessary ‘decompression’ time getting over the holiday and back into the daily grind! (Ok so my daily grind is not really that grinding but it still takes some adjustment, the crappy wet cold weather is not easy to get used to!)
I will not go into detail here on the trip to Australia; check out the ‘A is for Australia’ post Click here for that.
What has been happing is that autumn has arrived in the UK. It kind of snuck in while we were enjoying the sunshine and warmth down under. For the record, autumn is my least favourite season. It is wet, it is cold and generally everywhere you look things are dying. Nice. It is also dark. Autumn sees me getting up in the dark, walking the dog in the dark then (normally) spending the light bit of the day inside then going out again with dog…in the dark. I can hear some of you saying ‘but you aren’t working why not go out and enjoy the day?’ You weren’t following…cold and wet remember? Yuck. No it is better to just stay inside and be grumpy until winter arrives.
Enough of that, what are the highlights other than the vacation?
Well things are looking good on the job front. I have had two very good interviews with CSC (computer Science Corporation) and expect they will make me a job offer shortly. I have also had a bunch of other ‘interest’ so with any luck I will have some income again soon. Phew, just in time really.
Emma and I are overflowing with the Christmas spirit, not only have we started buying gifts but we have ordered a Christmas tree (a 6ft Noble Fir), bought the decorations for the tree (themed gold and red), bought some expensive (you might say ludicrously expensive but more on that anon) Christmas crackers, bought tickets to the Nutcracker on the 24th (performed by the Royal Ballet) and sorted out the Christmas dinner menu! Phew! We are also well into planning several Christmas drinks events with friends, busy, busy, busy!
About the Christmas crackers. We bought a set for £50 (6 crackers with fantabulous gifts…and hats…and of course, a joke). We even got Cassie a ‘doggie’ cracker. It was £15 for one! This seemed like a lot for something we are going to rip apart before Christmas dinner but I assure you £50 is modest. Check out the complete range of the fully armed and operational Fortnum and Masons Christmas range. Click Here
Their website doesn’t even show the complete range! In the store we found a box of 6 crackers for a whopping £1000!!! Go commercialised Christmas!
Back to earth now.
Hmm…other highlights? Well I had dinner at my friend Emma Richler’s house before leaving for Australia, her brother Daniel was there, nice guy. I only mention this because when I was kid Daniel Richler was one of the earliest VJ (video jockeys) I can remember. He used to host a great show called ‘The New Music’ on City TV in the 80s. My sister was in love with him for much of her teenager years…she might still be. Dinner was delicious.
Emma (my Emma) had been expecting a dismal result on her yearly work performance evaluation but instead got a spectacularly good one…which I had said all along she should be expecting. She likes to worry and I guess expecting the worst makes good news all the more pleasant, whatever works, you go girl!
Last but not least my little nephew Benicio turned two this week. I sent him a telegram, yep a telegram. It was needfully short as telegrams are not as affordable as you might think. Something like 'Happy Birthday. Love Uncle Lincoln'. You might be wondering why I sent a telegram well I blame my friends and a long very funny email conversation we had back in September. Basically we learned that in South Africa it can be faster to send messages via pigeon rather than the hideously slow internet there. Click here for details. The email chain spiralled out of control to discuss whether or not telegrams could still be sent. Turns out they can. I figured it would make a good curiosity for the baby book. Andrea you ARE keeping these sort of things aren't you?
I will see if I can update again in less then 4 weeks, lets say in no more than a fortnight.
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