Happy Anniversary to Us! (May 5, 2006)

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since we were married on the beautiful beach in Jamaica . It’s gone by so fast! But here we are in Buenos Aires and are looking forward to celebrating it. We have a reservation at a nice restaurant that is on the 19th floor of a building with a great view of the city, and we are staying at a hotel that has a spa in it as well. Mary deposited some money into our bank account for an anniversary gift (Muchas Gracias Mary!), which will pay for most of the hotel, and Roger also gave us some money (Muchas Gracias Roger!), and the remainder of the money from Deb´s parents. We’re getting spoiled. We also received lots of emails and e-cards from our friends and family wishing us a happy anniversary – thanks everyone!
Mary as well as Mom & Dad called us in the morning to wish us a happy anniversary, and I faintly heard Kym in the background too (Mom tried to hold her cell phone up to the receiver of the other phone but it didn’t work very well). We’re doing a load of laundry in Adam & Andrea’s washing machine, and then maybe head to La Boca.
The laundry ended up taking much longer than we expected, and was quite the escapade with the water hose leaking into a bucket which we kept having to empty, but sometimes it would overflow all over the balcony so we had to mop it up. Adam had to leave to go to work, and there was someone coming to hook up the Internet so I (Deb) had to try to communicate with him. I understood pretty much everything he was saying, but had trouble coming up with the words to respond. I think I did okay though.
By the time all this commotion was over, it was too late to go to La Boca (we´ll put it off for another day). Instead we walked down Av. Correintes looking for some cheap shoes for me to wear out for dinner tonight. Andrea lent me a nice sweater to wear, and Adam lent Lincoln a nice shirt and pants. We looked pretty sharp for a couple of backpackers. We checked into the hotel around 4:00 and were disappointed with the room. It was okay, but nothing special, and it had a view of the inner courtyard, which was just some walls. There was this intermittent strange squealing noise that sounded like an elevator, but we weren´t beside the elevator so we never quite figured out what it was. We walked around the hotel looking for the spa, but it was separate men´s and women´s so we decided not to go to it. We went to a café across the street for some tea and then went back to the hotel. The funniest story of the day was when Lincoln was checking out how the bidet worked and ended up spraying himself in the face! It was hilarious. We re-enacted it so I could take pictures.
We took turns having a bath in the deep tub, and then got ready for dinner. We decided to take a cab to dinner because the cheap shoes I bought were hurting my feet. The restaurant we went to was called Azzura and was on the 19th floor of a building in the Puerto Madero district. It had fabulous views of Puerto Madero and the surrounding city. The décor could have been warmed up a bit, but it was modern-classy-ish, and the food was excellent! We both decided to have steak as a treat and it was delicious. I´m paying for it now though! We arrived very early ( 8:30 ) and were the only ones there for a while, but by the time we left at 11:00 it was much busier. It was nicer when we were there by ourselves because no one was smoking. It´s very annoying to us that people smoke everywhere here, especially coming from Ottawa where smoking is banned in all restaurants and bars. I guess we will have to get used to it.
Our friends Louise and Lorry had made a time capsule in a wooden box for us as a wedding present, and instructed us to put a picture in it every year on our anniversary. On our tenth anniversary we are allowed to open it and see what is inside. We think that was a really cool idea, and were already eager to reach our tenth anniversary so we can open it. Our first picture will be us at the restaurant overlooking Buenos Aires , and at this dinner we made a pact to try and be in a different country every year on our anniversary, so when we open and look at the pictures we can reminisce about our trips as well as our marriage. We also decided that we will take turns making surprise anniversary plans so we´re not trying to figure something out at the last minute like we did for this one. Lincoln gets next year, and I´m already excited about what he might plan!

Reader Comments (2)
Love, Louise xo
Looking forward to following your trip - and hooking up w/ you guys in Peru!!!!